Our Health Promises
Our Health Promises

Promise #1: Vegetable-fed Chickens
At Kazi Farms Kitchen, chickens are raised on feed that do not contain any MBM or Meat and Bone Meal (also simply known as 'slaughterhouse waste'). That is why our chickens do not run the risk of containing any harmful bacteria.
Promise #2: No Harmful Preservatives
Preservatives used in food products can be severely harmful for human health. Kazi Farms Kitchen products do not contain any harmful preservatives.
Promise #3: No Antibiotic Residue
Chickens on farms are sometimes given antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. When people eat farmed chickens or products made from those chickens, they unknowingly consume "residual" antibiotics, which may still have been in the chicken's body at the time of slaughter. This may end up building resistance to antibiotics in the human body. We guarantee that there are no residual antibiotics in Kazi Farms Kitchen products.
Promise #4: No Tasting Salt
Food additives like tasting salt (also known as MSG or monosodium glutamate) can cause headache and high blood pressure. Kazi Farms Kitchen products are completely free of tasting salt.